Friday, November 04, 2005

After the Farenheit 451 team at Amazon deleted my Listmania list, the incompetents couldn't seem to find it, even though the link was still there. So, I sent them the link, of course, and asked for an explanation. Here was the next message I got:
Thank you for writing to

Your Listmania list was removed because of inappropriate content. We encourage all voices to respond openly in our store, both positive and negative. However, we do exert some editorial control over our customer reviews.

Please understand that we wholeheartedly support the right to free speech. Our intention is to make the customer review forum a place for commentary and feedback about titles, so discussions that criticize authors and their intentions are removed. Your comments were, in part, directed toward the authors and their character.

What I can suggest is that you resubmit your review, but restrict your comments to critically analyzing the content of the title.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yes. Yes. Free speech. Yadda yadda.

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